Buy-Nothing January 2024

A list of impulse purchases as they occur to me this month. Normally I would jump to Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress, etc, and buy these things if they’re under $50. This month I decided not to do that. This won’t include necessities like gas or groceries.

I’ll re-evaluate this at the end of the month and see what I really need. I might push this longer than a month.

  • Heavy-duty Glue Gun that doesn’t fall over when I set it on the desk
  • Dehydrator for my truck
  • (Finally!) the complete Expanse on Blu-ray:
  • T-Deck by LilyGo:
  • The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One
  • Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept
  • The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower
  • Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America
  • Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World
  • T-Beam Supreme by LilyGo:
  • Project: Keyyyyys Keyboard
  • WiPhone:
  • TTGO LORA32 433/868/915Mhz SX1276 SX1278 ESP32 OLED 0.96 Display SD Card Module
  • Beepy:
  • MeshCom:
  • LilyGo on AliExpress:

Saved: An Ephemerist

Q: “I tend to either act as a data hoarder, but most of the time end up being overwhelmed with anxiety about having so much data. Even when I just look at my personal photos, I just feel impeding doom knowing it can only grow and grow, it will never get smaller.

“I was wondering if this had a term.”

A: An ephemerist, someone who enjoys things that are fleeting, temporary, out of sight and out of mind once they’re used.

Mental Budgets

We're in the time of year where I am reminded that I like to spend money. It goes back to deprivation as a kid, not getting the toys other kids had, not getting the good corn flakes. Not understanding why those things didn't matter much, only that I was being told no. Now it's a powerful drug to be able to buy the things I want.
Combine this with an obsession with prices, the retail cycle, and tech, and I can spend a lot of money during Black Friday sales. I'm not buying a jet ski, but a 3D printer is still a good purchase, especially when I didn't budget for my dog's teeth cleaning that's going to cost $700.

Mint is going to cease operation and become part of Credit Karma. If I come back and read this in 20 years, all I should remember is how this is the most recent example of useful software that I used got acquired by a company (Intuit) and then killed.
Goals for this week:
  • At least 2000 words a day on Lyssa's Control. I'm going to finish this book.
  • Spend time with family.
  • Get in habit of taking notes as thoughts occur to me. How: carry a notebook and pen. Make a habit of transferring better notes to computer
  • Clean up and organize office. Organize projects so they aren't sitting all over the place.
  • Take Sawyer for a walk every day that I'm off.
I read an article about Ozempic ( that mentioned the “Constant Food Noise” in people's heads. Thinking about what they're going to eat, worrying about food, wanting food. Three weeks into low carb again and I feel like the noise has subsided. I'm not feeling the desire to eat all the time and have to remind myself to eat. I like this and want to continue this way. I'm down 13 pounds. Seeing my wife in pain from her Crohn's is also not helping my appetite. We're moving into a new relationship with food, where everyone in the house is eating something different at meal times. We still sit down together, but it's different. We'll adapt.
Started listening to the series that I might be writing in and am already reminded of why I like it. I hope to learn new things from this process.

We're also planning a brunch with friends, coming soon, and a party for local writers at the end of December. I feel good about social engagement, so that's a positive sign.

Yes, There is Time to Write

If there was ever a week when I could write 20k words, it's the one coming up. I'll be off work from Tuesday to the following Monday. Family is coming in but they won't be here the whole time, and MIL should be able to help with the kiddo. Should.
What's working:
  • Diet is still great. Feeling energized and sleeping well. Helping me be more present with family.
  • Plex library for music and PlexAmp app. I have a big music library that I've collected for nearly 25 years, digitized now, and it's very cool to see all the analytics that Plexamp can apply.
  • Not renewing YouTube Premium.
What isn't working:
  • Having an idea and not writing it down. Fix: Start carrying a notebook and pen.
  • Staying off reddit. It worked to delete from phone. Need to delete all links on browsers.
A new opportunity for publication came my way that I'm excited about, but I need to clear the plate with the current project. I can get this book done in just a couple weeks. I need to knock it out and go into 2024 unencumbered and ready for new projects.
Also, time continues to move too quickly.