If there was ever a week when I could write 20k words, it's the one coming up. I'll be off work from Tuesday to the following Monday. Family is coming in but they won't be here the whole time, and MIL should be able to help with the kiddo. Should.
What's working:
- Diet is still great. Feeling energized and sleeping well. Helping me be more present with family.
- Plex library for music and PlexAmp app. I have a big music library that I've collected for nearly 25 years, digitized now, and it's very cool to see all the analytics that Plexamp can apply.
- Not renewing YouTube Premium.
What isn't working:
- Having an idea and not writing it down. Fix: Start carrying a notebook and pen.
- Staying off reddit. It worked to delete from phone. Need to delete all links on browsers.
A new opportunity for publication came my way that I'm excited about, but I need to clear the plate with the current project. I can get this book done in just a couple weeks. I need to knock it out and go into 2024 unencumbered and ready for new projects.
Also, time continues to move too quickly.