You’ve found the intermittent signal for science fiction author James S. Aaron, (also James Stegall) author of Aeon 14: Sentience Wars and Galactic Law.
I took four days off work starting Thursday last week to try and get a handle on the last parts of my mom’s belongings that have been sitting in our garage. I’ve already finished with the garage sale, the thrift store and dump stuff, and now it’s down to boxes of things that we might want to use or keep. Some of it is mine from when I was growing up and then after college. There is a lot of stuff from my first marriage. Whole photo books, dvds and boxes of letters that I need to decide what to do with.
I’ve spent many hours removing photos from photobooks so they can fit in a storage box to be stored later.
I spent a lot on 24 clear totes so I can see what’s inside. I’m tired of having a we all of black plastic crates with no idea what’s inside them. As part of this, I’ve been rearranging my office. I moved on wall of books and put my 3D printers there, getting them out of the house. Our patio is now full of a black wall of totes that contain books, computer stuff, electronics projects.
Ten years of collecting gadgets from thrift stores when we moved into this house and I went into some weird nesting phase buying every book I could get my hands on to build a library, and collecting al the computers and gadgets I’d ever wanted back when I was too broke to have the latest cool thing.
Now it’s all been possessed and I think I’ve had the max enjoyment out them.
There’s also the problem of vintage computer gear disintegrating with time. All the media needs to be digitized before it can’t be read anymore. The computers should be given away to someone who can repair them before their capacitors all explode and they turn into junk just taking up space.
It’s a lot of work.
I got most of the garage cleaned out and one room of the house organized. I focused on the house because that was better for everybody, to create more usable space. It started raining on Saturday and Sunday so that made it hard to move things out to the storage shed anyway.
All this work has been hanging over my mind for a year, making it hard to write. I did make forward progress on my current book project. I need to edit the older project but it’s been harder to get my mind around that. I know I need to just start making the habit, but it seems insurmountable sometimes, like the wall of stuff.
My Grandpa Skip made this bust of my grandma and I finally found it at my dad’s place. What’s funny is in my memory, this sculpture was the size of a softball at least. I guess I hadn’t seen it since I was little.
2024 was a rough year, but things are getting back on track with 2025.
Editing Lyssa’s Revenge (which may become Lyssa’s Control). Currently at 72,000 words but I expect to add another 20,000 words through editing.
Signed a contract with Aethon Books for a Grimm’s War Spin-off novel due by June 2025.
Grimm’s War: Retreat Hell. I’m 25,000 words into this project.
I’m still caring for my mom, and her dementia seems to have leveled for the time being. She had some big drops in awareness across last year, but now she’s generally happy and enjoys putzing around her cottage. We found a great caregiver that she likes, and I’m able to focus on other things during the day.
While I’m still not able to get long writing sessions in, I’m focused on more short bursts of work during breaks, in the morning before work and after work.
The biggest recent change has been cutting off social media during the day completely. I’ve moved to a dumb phone for most of my communication, and the iPhone has basically become an iPod. I can download media to it when I’m on wi-fi, but otherwise it’s a camera with podcast/MP3 player whenever I’m out of the house. This has been a huge improvement for my general focus.
However, I still can’t believe we’re in the middle of February already. I’m trying to stay focused on the things I can control, the people I love, and creating work I’m proud of. Onward and upward.
Palm Centro gives you voice, text, IM, email and web, all in a phone that’s a lot smaller than you think. It even has a touchscreen and a full keyboard, so you can say L8R to those tricky keys on your cell phone. Carry names and numbers, shoot photos and video, and meet up with friends.
A heterotopia is a concept introduced by the French philosopher Michel Foucault to describe real-world places that function as “other spaces,” existing simultaneously within and outside of the usual norms and structures of society. These spaces are characterized by their ability to juxtapose or connect several different spaces, times, or meanings, creating a unique environment that challenges or reflects on the dominant social order.